Part of the Forward Education Trust

Special Educational Needs

High Point Academy is a free-school 11-16 Special School ran by Forward Education Trust. We have provision to meet the needs of children with complex learning difficulties which includes autism and speech, language, and communication needs. Pupils who attend High Point will predominately have Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and associated Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) or Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).

Every pupil has an Education, Health and Care Plan and a diagnosis of ASC. These are reviewed annually. Children are base-line assessed when they start at High Point and the smallest gains in their learning/ knowledge and understanding from this point, can be identified, recorded and celebrated.

In addition children are regularly observed/ assessed and their progress noted.

Pupils are assessed against their own prior learning. Meetings are regularly held within school to monitor progress.  

The school works closely with therapists and external agencies to identify the needs of every child. Education Health and Care Plan Outcome and Progress Sheets (EOP’s) are set termly and progress regularly monitored and reported on.

At High Point Academy, we follow the same principles as any mainstream school but are resourced to provide a more highly specialised, multi-agency approach to support our pupils who are unable to access a mainstream setting due to their autism.

This includes :-

  • Access to a highly specialist, multi-agency team who support the individual needs of each pupil
  • A high teacher-pupil ratio supported by well trained, experienced teaching assistants.
  • A nurturing pastoral team that can facilitate small group or individual pupil support including targeted intervention, communication, and behavioural support.
  • Advanced behaviour management strategies, Team Teach trainers, de-escalation and Positive behaviour management programmes.
  • On site administration of medication
  • Parental support from our pastoral team
  • Individualised programmes to meet specific personal care needs and support, signposting, liaising with other agencies.
  • Weekly Speech and Language therapist to organise and monitor group and individual programmes which are embedded within the classroom setting
  • Weekly Occupational Therapist
  • Targeted intervention from Educational welfare and Educational psychologists.

At High Point Academy pupils have access to a supportive and nurturing learning environment

This includes:-

  • Teacher and Teaching Assistant support throughout the school day including break and lunch times
  • Lunchtime clubs available for all pupils
  • Local Authority transport to and from school (organised directly through the local authority for qualifying families)
  • Individualised reading programmes (Read Write Inc, Oxford Reading Scheme and Accelerated reader)
  • Highly differentiated and adapted curriculum which includes a balanced and engaging curriculum, behaviour and communication approaches.
  • Introduction to Post 16 options from KS4 to support with employability and transition skills for the future
  • Outstanding, safe outdoor learning environments.
  • Forest School curriculum to promote well-being and self-esteem

Monitoring progress and outcomes

Achievement and progress analysis, monitored by a Trust wide subject specific learning ladders for all subject areas. Data is collected every half term and analysed to ensure pupils are making expected progress and gaps can be identified early to ensure an appropriate intervention is implemented.

Pupils also have personalised EOP’s which are focussed around the pupils EHCP. Pupils also take part daily in targeted interventions ‘Holistic Pupil Activities’ (HPA) which focus on four areas of need:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health needs
  • Sensory and/or/physical needs

Pupils needs are determined by the main theme in their EHCP.

A wide range of accredited courses including: GCSE, Entry and Pre-entry qualifications and awards are offered at KS4.


Within our broad and balanced curriculum pupils learn about social, emotional and mental health.  These areas are taught overtly within PHSE, where topics including mental health and wellbeing. Mindfulness, healthy and unhealthy coping strategies, bereavement and relationships are all discussed in detail.  They are touched on more discreetly in many other of the topic areas including P.E, ASDAN, RE and many more.   In addition to our curriculum we have a robust safeguarding policy and protocol in place.  Pupils’ health and well-being is paramount. We work closely with on-site medical practitioners to meet the health needs of pupils whilst they are at school. We also work closely with social services and the children with disabilities team.  We also work with CAMHS (Child Adolescent Mental Health Services) should pupils need that level of support.

Our named SENCO is Mrs A Thomas:

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer

Sandwell’s local offer provides information and services for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. The Local Offer website aims to help families by gathering the information that they need to know in order to make informed choices about the support they receive.

To read the Local Offer, please click the link below.

SEND Documents
