· To establish effective communication between home and school.
· To involve parents in the assessment and education of their children.
· To facilitate a mutual sharing of relevant information and skills which are of benefit to both children and their families and school.
It is vital that strong lines of communication exist between home and school. This can be
achieved by:
· Accessibility of the teaching staff
· Home/school communication (via Class Dojo)
· Regular opportunities for staff and parents to meet
· Regular newsletters
· Home visit
For good relationships to be achieved an atmosphere of mutual trust is important. This can
be built and fostered by:
· Parents/Carers being involved in school activities
· Parents/Carers having access to school
· Social events and school functions
· Workshops for parents/carers.
There is enormous value in parental involvement in the education of their child.
Parents/Carers have a unique and undisputable knowledge of their own child, family and
environment. In working with parents/carers it is vital that we encourage active participation.
To achieve this we should aim to:
· Learn from parents/carers
· Communicate and share professional skills where possible and appropriate
We aim to facilitate and encourage this parental involvement by providing regular
opportunities for the exchange of information about the pupil’s development, progress and
future educational programme.
This may be achieved by:
· Encouraging attendance and representation of parental/carers’ views and opinions of Statutory Annual Reviews
· Establishing home programmes where appropriate
· Arranging contact and liaison with other relevant professionals.
Each pupil, parent and family is unique. There is, therefore, no one ‘model’ for establishing
good relationships with parents/carers. If partnership is to be achieved we must avoid
attempts at a rigid uniform approach and allow flexibility to embrace the diversity of
individuals, situations and needs.