Pupils are admitted to the school on receipt of an official request for a placement from Sandwell Council and provided that a suitable vacancy exists, admission can take place at any time in the school year.
Joining the School
Admissions are co-ordinated by Sandwell Council, who are also responsible for determining the number of places available. Although placement usually results from a recommendation on a child's Education, Health and Care Plan, Sandwell Council may request a placement as part of the ongoing assessment process. Children may be admitted at any time in the school year and arrangements to visit the school can be made by contacting the school.
Home School Agreement
The School Day
At High Point we understand the importance of structure and routine for our pupils. Most of our pupils arrive at High Point on school transport via a school, minibus or taxi. This journey can impact on their school day, therefore having an extended form time session to focus on well-being and reading, we feel supports a positive start to their day.
Regular school attendance is vital for ensuring continuity for all children. In the event of illness parents/carers must inform the school by telephoning. If we are not aware of why a child is absent we will phone parents/carers during the first day.
Medication/Illness in School
If your child requires medication during the school day, it is important to ensure that adequate supplies are sent into school with a pharmacy label in place. A consent form will need to be signed and will require updating on a regular basis if there are any changes to medication. (Forms can be obtained from the school)
There is an official school uniform which we do expect pupils to wear. The uniform list will be provided to new parents/carers. Uniform can be purchased for school from our uniform provider, details of which will be given to parents/carers when admission to school is agreed. Our uniforms are chosen to be comfortable, practical, and appropriate.
School meals are available to all pupils, including those with special diets.
Parents/Carers can apply to their Local Authority for Home to School Transport. Those that are eligible are provided with information about the transport arrangement by the Local Authority. The school does not have any control over this arrangement including the pickup and drop off time. Concerns should be raised with the Local Authority.
School Fund
Permission Forms
Multi-Agency Working
We work very closely with a range of visiting professionals at High Point Academy and as appropriate to individual needs, our children and families are supported through: