Hi, I am Andy Seward, part of my role at High Point Academy is Family Support.
The role is to provide support and advice to families and children within the school.
This is not a role I undertake on my own and support to our families is a whole school approach at High Point Academy.
We aim to provide support to tackle a variety of difficulties, whether they are long or short-term challenges. Our aim here at High Point Academy is to engage with and then empower children and families to ensure all our pupils receive the best possible care and education.
Any advice and support for parents and children will always remain confidential, although any potential concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will be dealt with in accordance with the schools Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.
We uphold the importance of building positive relationships so that we can work together to support children to thrive, both at school and home.
Some days may be better than others, but we are all here each day to provide guidance for all the children and their families at High Point Academy, even if it’s just a chat.
We will focus on enabling our pupils to:
· Enjoy and achieve.
· Build resilience and confidence.
· Stay safe.
· Have a voice and be heard.
· Encouraging and supporting positive peer relationships.
We may not have all the answers, but we are here to provide support and advice with:
· Sign posting and information about services within local area
· Support to access these (referral process etc.)
· Improving school attendance
· Providing emotional support
· Providing internal support available in school